§ Educate cat colony proponents about the impacts that cat colonies have on natural areas and native species. § Promote and encourage cat colony proponents to voluntarily remove cat colonies from county parks, and establish a deadline for voluntary removal. § Initiate mandatory trapping and removal of all cats and feeding stations from county parks, and establish a deadline for the elimination of cat colonies from county parks. § Enforce current ordinances. § Maintain a nuisance animal control program focused on cats. Primary goal of the program should be to maintain county parks free of cats. § Create a committee composed of wildlife experts from academia, county/state agencies, conservation groups, humane society, and animal shelter, personnel to work together to solve current and future cat problems. § Increase the awareness of visitors, local residents, and local schools through educational materials that explain the importance of preserving and protecting natural areas and native species. Educational material should also contain information on the impacts that exotic species, including domestic animals, have on native wildlife. § Promote national spay/neuter day and educate cat owners on the importance and benefits of keeping cats indoors. § Encourage local governments to create pet policies that would hold irresponsible pet owners financially and legally accountable for their actions.